History of Tikka Spikes

Tikka Spikes has an industrial history of more than 200 years and experience in manufacturing of tyre studs for over 60 years.

Tikka Spikes has more than 60 years of experience in manufacturing studs

Tikka Spikes has more than 60 years of experience in manufacturing studs. No other stud manufacturer in the world has anywhere near as much experience in developing and manufacturing studs. The industrial history of the Tikka company stretches back more than 200 years, while its metal industry traditions go back to 1893.



1805: A mill by the Tikkakoski rapids grinds the village’s grain into flour.

At some point during the 19th century, a sawmill is constructed next to the mill to saw logs into boards.

1893: Martin Stenij receives business permits for a new workshop with a filing mill and metal lathe on the bank of the river. The workshop employs 5 to 6 men and produces machine parts for sawmills and other mills.

1897: An ad in the local Keski-Suomi newspaper advertises that the workshop repairs dams, boilers, metal beds and other metal products. The workshop has several metal lathes, drills, planers and iron planes, as well as a small forge and brass foundry.

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